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The Awakening

a glimpse.

a flash of insight.

a sudden realization.

When you see the light in everything,

everything you see changes.

Meet Mags

Meet Maggie Kalas

I'm a passionate intuitive with a heart for helping people realize their full potential. Awakening to my soul's intention has been an ongoing life quest. And it has been quite a bumpy ride, too.


In my search for truth and healing, I discovered a hidden inner pathway that revealed my true self and an unexpected calling to Be a beacon of light to support others in their soul-awakening.

See the Light,

Be the Love©

Maggie Kalas, Soul Light Coach

Maggie Kalas

Lotus Flower - Soul Light Coach
Soul Light Coach - Leaf
Lotus Flower - Soul Light Coach
Soul Light Coach - Leaf
New world of possibilities mountain

Are you ready to discover a new world of possibilities?


How I Can Help You

Soul Light Coach Tree

Soul Light Coaching

As your Soul Light Coach, I will give you spiritual awakening guidance and be a shining light and soul support as you journey up your spiritual mountain of realization through the shadows of self-doubt to the joy of self-discovery to the freedom of your authentic being.

Angel Card Readings Flower

Angel Readings

With the aid of beautifully inspired oracle cards, remote Angel card readings offer an opportunity to lift beyond life's fears and frustrations to illuminate your true purpose and reveal profound Divine messages in a gentle, loving, and non-judgmental way.

"Maggie has been my mentor, teaching me the skills I needed to create change in my life. She helped me cultivate the confidence and self-love that I needed to move forward."


​~ K.M. Lacey, NC

Meditation crystals
"With over 40 staff attending, Long Island Spine Specialists had the pleasure of Maggie Kalas presenting a meditation exercise about self-love that was so empowering the staff were in awe. Her genuine warmth and energy was truly amazing. I would highly recommend her services."


~ M. Caime, LISS, NY

See the light on horizon

Let's Connect . . .

Your soul brought you here. So I'd like to gift you a 15-minute Soul Chat to explore whether I am the one to guide you on your path of awakening and true-self discovery.
Share a little about yourself with your contact information. I'll reach out to plan our Soul Chat.

© 2023 Soul Light Coaching

Thanks, I'll be in touch...

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